Prework Study Guide
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- Common page element types that can be added in HTML include text, image, headers, and lists.
- The head element contains information about the webpage.
- Head elements cannot be visible for the end users.
- The body element represents the visible content shown to the user.
- HTML elements are CASE SENSITIVE.
- Attributes define additional information about an element, always added in the beginning element, neve in the closing element.
- METADATA tags are unseen information that gives details about accessibility, search engine listing and performance.
- Elements nested inside other elements are called child elements.
- Visible HTML elements have an opening and closing tag.
- CSS is a programming language used to define how a webpage content is presented to users.
- CSS defines colours, aesthetics, visual layout, and organization.
- There are three ways to style a webpage with CSS: Inline, Internal CSS style sheet and External CSS style sheet.
- A selector defines the element or attributes to which the rules, or declarations will apply.
- The declarations contain two important elements: the CSS property we want to apply, and the value of the property.
- CSS box model includes Margin, Border, Padding, and Content.
- A margin indicates how much space we want around the outside of an element.
- A padding indicates how much space we want around the content inside an element.
- Using an asterisk (*) creates a selector that applies the rules to all the visible elements on a webpage.
- You can combine two selectors by using a comma (,), which avoids repetition for sections where the same rules apply.
- Class Attributes allow us to share a CSS rule to any element we choose by assigning the rule to a class attribute with a class selector.
- Class Attributes can then be assigned to the element in the HTML, enabling us to choose which elements will be assigned the CSS rule.
- We can assign a class selector by adding a period (.) before the name of the selector.
- Git = the most commonly used version control software.
- Commands always start with git and are used to track and save versions of our code.
- Git is great for tracking changes locally on the computer.
- Git Hub = cloud based hosting service that allows you to keep track of projects, called repositories, stored remotely.
- Branch = working within the repo, making changes without affecting the live site before approval.
- Commit changes = saving a new version of a file you're working on, must be used whenever you add, edit or delete a file.
- Pull Request = Asking for changes on your branch to be pulled in or merged into another branch.
- Issue = A way to report a new task or content fixes.
- git status =checks what branch we are currently on.
- git checkout -b branch-name = creates a new branch and switches to it.
- git branch = lists your branches and a * will appear next to the currently active branch.
- git merge [branch] = merge the specified branch's history into the current one.
- git pull = fetch and merge any commits from the tracking remote branch.
- git push [alias] [branch] = transmit local branch commits to the remote repo branch.
- A variable is a named container that allows us to store data in our code.
- Control flow is the order in which a computer executes code in a script.
- Operators are mathematical symbols that produce results based on two values or variables.
- Conditionals are code structures that are used to test if an expression is truthy or falsy.
- Arrays are a group of related data, that are useful to perform a task on multiple pieces of data at once.
- for Loops use the predictable pattern of indices to perform a task on all the items in an array by allowing a single code block to be executed repeatedly.
- Functions are a set of instructions that tells the computer how to perform a certain task.
- Functions are different from forLoops, because while forLoops execute when the JS file is run, functions need to be called by name in order to be executed.